We have been recently shortlisted to participate in the tender for the"consultancy to assist the national task force to develop a comprehensive medium term strategic plan for the public financial management reform programme", and we are looking for a PFM expert, with the following characteristics:
- The envisaged Consultant will have extensive experience in facilitating complex processes and strategic planning in Government or international organisations, preferably in the region.
- S/he has a minimum of 10 year working experience in a Development Cooperation Environment.
- Excellent writing skills in English
- Advanced education in management or economics
- Specific experience in PFM or PFM reform is an advantage
The assignment will be for a 3 month period in Dar es Salaam, ideally starting beginning of March 2011. It will in any case end by end of May, with finalisation in the drafting period until mid June maximum. A maximum of 60 working days is forecasted.
If you are interested, please send me your updated CV to joaomartins@cesoci.pt and I will reply with Terms of Reference and Financial conditions.
Best Regards,