Author Topic: Duke University's Summer Training Courses  (Read 4437 times)


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Duke University's Summer Training Courses
« on: February 11, 2013, 15:36:09 GMT »
The Duke Center for International Development (DCID) at Duke University (Durham, NC, USA) is pleased to announce that we are currently accepting applications for our Summer 2013 short-term training courses in public policy and finance.  We will offer four unique executive education programs for public and private sector professionals who are looking to expand their knowledge in the following areas:

Project Appraisal and Risk Management
Dates: May 12 - June 7, 2013   Cost: $11,000
Who should apply: public and private sector professionals who design, select, negotiate or finance projects; those who are interested in the financial, economic and social impacts of these projects

Tax Analysis and Revenue Forecasting
Dates: June 23 - July 19, 2013   Cost: $10,250
Who should apply: public sector executives at mid- and upper-level management; professionals in multilateral and regional banks and other international organizations involved with fiscal affairs; private sector professionals who are in a position to apply these concepts and techniques; consultants providing assistance to decision-makers in public and private sectors

Fiscal Decentralization and Local Government Financial Management
Dates: July 7 - 26, 2013   Cost: $8,500
Who should apply: government officials, policy makers, program managers, politicians, and consultants dealing with decentralization and local government reforms

Budgeting and Financial Management in the Public Sector
Dates: July 21 - August 9, 2013   Cost: $9,500
Who should apply: budget analysts, economists, accountants, auditors, and administrators in the central ministries of finance and planning; professionals from state- or provincial-level ministries of finance and planning; professionals from sector ministries; professionals from public enterprises; professionals from aid agencies

DCID will provide student housing, emergency medical insurance, course materials, and access to the Duke University Libraries and computer facilities. Groups of three or more students who have the same sponsor are eligible for discounted pricing. Please contact us at with any questions.

More detailed information including online application forms and course descriptions can be found on our website:


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