Dear colleagues,
I would like to bring to your attention two short training courses (PEFA + PFM) which Fiscus will be offering at Oriel College, Oxford over 3rd - 7th, September. A more formal brochure can be found attached or in this website
2-day Course in the application of the PEFA Methodology, 3rd - 4th, September, GBP 1,200 on residential basisThis will provide a comprehensive overview of the application of the PEFA methodology, including the scoring system, the use of evidence, key issues in the writing up and presentation of reports, and key issues in the management of assessments. It will be closely based on the materials developed by the PEFA Secretariat but will go beyond these in promoting learning from the practical experiences of the trainer and the participants in the actual conduct and use of assessments. In this respect, it is targeted more at the intermediate or senior level as a "refresher course" on PEFA but would also be suitable for those new to the methodology. Pre-course readings would be provided to all participants as a help to those new or "rusty" with the methodology.
Andrew Lawson will be the lead trainer for the course but it will also involve a structured Question & Answer session with the PEFA Secretariat by video conference.
3-day Course in the Design & Management of PFM Reforms, 5th - 7th, September, GBP 1,800 on residential basisThis course will provide an overview of the lessons emerging from academic research and evaluation work on where and why PFM reforms succeed or fail. It will also stimulate participants to share their own ideas on these issues and to interact with trainers and key-note speakers with direct experience in this area. It will include 6 core modules covering a) Theories for the sequencing of PFM reforms (Schick, Brooke and more recent work by Jack Diamond and Daniel Tomassi), b) Lessons from 10 years of PFM reform in Africa (drawing on the recent AfDB/ SIDA/ Danida study on Burkina Faso, Ghana and Malawi and also on work by Matt Andrews) ; c) Lessons in the management of budget reforms; d) Lessons in the management of IFMIS reforms (drawing on recent work by the World Bank); e) Panel presentation and discussion on managing reforms led by 2 keynote speakers; f) "Tutorials" by the keynote speakers and the lead trainer to assist participants in addressing their PFM reform problems. Again,
Andrew Lawson will be the lead trainer for this but will be supported by two high-level keynote speakers.
For both courses, we are targeting a mix of Government officials, Development Agency staff and consultants/ academics, and I would very much encourage you to publicise both courses to anybody whom you feel might be interested. Courses can of course be attended separately but we are trying to encourage participants to
attend for the full week and are offering a 20 % discount on the price for those who do. (i.e GBP 2,500 for 5 days).
The courses will take place at Oriel College, Oxford, where participants will be lodged in college accommodation (but with en-suite facilities!). Breakfast and lunch is also included in the price as well as all course materials.
I hope you find it interesting.
All best wishes,
Gonzalo Contreras