Author Topic: "Moving forward with PFM Reforms" - FISCUS Training Course - FISCUS - OXFORD, UK  (Read 5457 times)

Gonzalo Contreras

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Dear PFM colleagues,

I would like to bring to your attention a 5-day training/ learning event which we will be running this summer at Queen's College, Oxford in the last week of August (26th - 30th), entitled “Moving forward with PFM Reforms”. The key-note speakers of the training course will be Andrew Lawson & Matt Andrews.

The event is focused on the needs of governments in developing and transition economies who are undertaking PFM reforms and looking for guidance both on big themes (like engaging political support, managing expectations, controlling donors, etc) and on specific technical issues (how to sequence budget reforms, etc.) The focus of the course will be very much on sharing and trying to resolve real world problems by drawing on the lessons emerging from academic research and evaluation work but also by promoting an active mix of experience and ideas between the participants, the trainers and key-note speakers.

For more details and application click here:


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