Author Topic: Elements of Public Finance Management: A Developing Country Perspective  (Read 6496 times)


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Idilmat Workshop - Elements of Public Finance Management: A Developing Country Perspective

This ten-day training workshop is an excellent introduction to all Public Finance Management (PFM), covering the basic elements and presenting a comprehensive integrated view of the subject.

The course takes into account both the system dimensions of formal PFM institutional practice as well as the political economy elements that can complicate and obscure PFM practice in a given country.

This training workshop will benefit  PFM managers and people new to areas of PFM responsibility;Government Officials and Development Advisors whose work is impacted by PFM but have little or no experience of public financial management.

At the end of the course, participants will understand the full scope of public finance management; the political and macroeconomic framework in which it operates, its institutions and the structure of its legal and regulatory framework. You will be able to question the nature of relevance of some popularly promoted PFM reforms – such as performance budgeting, budgeting by objectives, activity based budgeting, the use of MTEF, accrual accounting, IFMIS, and public-private partnerships.

For more details about this course, go to

Dates: 20 - 31 May 2013
Duration: 10 days
Venue: Accra, Ghana


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