Author Topic: Indicators of performance in education  (Read 483 times)


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Indicators of performance in education
« on: July 16, 2010, 06:11:52 GMT »
This topic aims at showing some indicators of performance at objective/outcome level that could be used in defining policy targets in the education sector as part of a MTEF exercise in middle income country.

These indicators go beyond those already well established such as Gross Enrolment Rate, (which you can download from the links below- UNESCO and OECD publications). They are taken from a real work assignment that REPIM conducted in Albania. The end result was the preparation of a MTEF Performance Sector Guide in Education. For more information about this work you can contact John Short,

The common characteristic of the indicators of performance below is that they are SMART and therefore they can be monitored. SMART meaning Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound.


• Increasing years of schooling from 9  to 11 years by 2015, after having extended the period of education for basic education from 8 to 9 years in 2009
• Proportion of school students achieving the National Literacy Benchmarks for Reading increases from 85% and 87% in 2009 to 90% and 92.5% in 2015 for Yr5 and Yr3 students  respectively (the national benchmarks to be specified in the section on Standards)
• Expand access to secondary education level, increasing net enrolment rates from <<X>> % in 2010 to <<Z>> % in 2011; reaching a transition rate of students from primary to secondary education equal to <<Y>>% in 2011, from <<W>>% in 2010.
• Improving the quality of the learning environment in schools to move towards European levels of education attainments, as measured by an expected 425 score in the Pisa  tests to be  passed in 2012 by national students aged 15 years, compared to EU 2004 average score of 495.
• Improve the certified knowledge of students entering the market place  by ensuring that in five years time, over 50% of 24 years old population have a certificate III and IV or a higher education qualification (in 2008 this percentage was  40%).

High Education

Expansion of Higher Education will aim at:
(i) increasing expenditures devoted to scientific research in university by 100% in five years (2010 is the baseline);
(ii) have 10 students that pass successfully a  new science related  post-graduate course every year starting from 2011 and reaching 100 in 2020;
(iii) design a credit system for university students based on the Bologna process standard qualification that allows in 2020 80% of national students to carry their University credits when enrolling in a EU university. The Bologna standard qualification must be explained in the Standard section.

Management and Administration

• Standard statistical reports are used for monitoring and planning education results in at least one third of the Education District Departments at the end of 2010
• As a result of the strengthening of the financial management capacity in Education, the ratio of actual versus planned capital expenditures at the end of the year will increase from 60% in 2009 to 80% in 2010
• Reduce absenteeism of full-time teachers by 3 percentage points compared to the figure of <<X>>% in 2009

Examples of outputs linked to a specific objective

Improving the quality of the learning environment in Basic Education to move towards European level of education attainments as measured by the PISA examination score, expected to improve from 381 in 2006  to 425 in 2012. EU average score of 495 in 2004 to be considered as international benchmarking.

Related Outputs:
•   700 teaching hours of quality education ensured to all enrolled students
•   Purchase of 1000 IT labs, including foreign language learning equipments
•   Purchase of 500 science labs
•   <<x>>schools built – the building of new schools enables a decrease in the number of students per class  and a phasing out of double shifts, hence improving the learning environment in schools.
•   <<X>> number of school libraries created and expanded (two separate outputs)
•   <<X>> number of schools where the Internet is installed and free of charge for students
« Last Edit: July 16, 2010, 08:35:18 GMT by Napodano »


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Re: Indicators of performance in education
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2010, 07:43:00 GMT »
Just a consideration to my previous post. It may be obvious to most of you but it was not so in a meeting I attended in a Ministry of Finance, last week.

Choosing indicators of performance is based on program policy priorities! It is not just filling boxes in forms often designed in a hurry to please donors.
Indicators of performance 'indicate' which program policy directions the Government is planning in the medium term, linking them to budget resources.

The list  in the previous post is not  meant to be a 'à-la-carte' menu of indicators. It is a consistent list of indicators that are SMART and can be monitored.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2010, 08:30:29 GMT by Napodano »


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