Author Topic: Value Transfer Approaches to Valuing Non-Market Costs and Benefits  (Read 452 times)


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Valuing non-market costs and benefits can be challenging for countries with limited human and financial resources for undertaking cost-benefit analysis. Adopting and adapting values estimated in other countries, known as 'value transfer', can be one solution. There are a number of resources available, notably the Environmental Value Reference Inventory for environmental costs and benefits:
There is a small enrolment fee for EVRI, but well worth it for governments and consultants.

Other resources for the transport sector are:

* Developing Harmonised European Approaches for Transport Costing and project assessment (HEATCO)

* Update of the Handbook on External Costs of Transport

* International Comparison of Transport Appraisal Practice (Appendix B to overview report)

The references above can have wider application because they include estimates for the value of time and the value of a statistical life.

The UK has published guidance on value transfer for valuing environmental impacts (see attached).


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