Author Topic: Analyzing and Managing Fiscal Risks  (Read 594 times)


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Analyzing and Managing Fiscal Risks
« on: June 07, 2016, 11:31:08 GMT »
An interesting policy paper from the IMF: Analyzing and Managing Fiscal Risks - Best Practices.

Comprehensive analysis and management of fiscal risks can help ensure sound fiscal public finances and macroeconomic stability. This has been underscored by the global financial crisis and the more recent collapse in commodity prices, which starkly illustrate the vulnerability of public finances to risk. Indeed, over the past quarter century, governments experienced on average an adverse fiscal shock of 6 percent of GDP once every 12 years, with some of the largest stemming from financial crises.

Countries need a more complete understanding of these potential threats to their fiscal position. Existing fiscal risk disclosure and analysis practices tend to be incomplete, fragmented, and qualitative in nature. A more comprehensive and integrated assessment of the potential shocks to government finances, in the form of a fiscal stress test, can help policymakers simulate the effects of shocks to their central forecasts and their implications for government solvency, liquidity, and financing needs. Comprehensive, reliable, and timely fiscal data covering all public entities, stocks, and flows are a necessary foundation for such analysis.

the paper can be found at

« Last Edit: June 07, 2016, 13:32:52 GMT by Napodano »


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