It is with deep sadness that I have to report the death of one of our members Matthew Smith. The PFM community has lost a valued colleague and many of us a close friend. I worked with Matthew first in Kosovo where he was the head of the USAID PFM support to the Ministry of Finance and he managed the rare feat, among other things, of getting two donors (in this case USAID and DFID) to pool resources and work together on a shared agenda. I was then fortunate to work with Matthew when he moved to CARTAC where his enthusiasm and drive was evident. He led teams carrying out PEFAs and his template of getting governments on board and then organised for the mission, getting the team focused on information gathering, concise write up and feedback while in the field as well as urging reviewers to respond quickly is one that was successful. He understood the value of a PEFA so that he was able to follow up quickly in assisting in the development of a PFM Action Plan before the sharp colours of the PEFA snapshot turned to sepia. He led one of the 2015 testing PEFAs and provided valuable feedback to the PEFA Secretariat and then headed one of the first PEFAs using the 2016 methodology. His drive was tempered by his sound Aussie sense of humour and wit. He was a grand man. Our condolences, prayers and thoughts are with his wife Magda and daughter Mia.