...the third in the series:
"Promoting growth Friendly Tax Policies in the EU and Beyond" - together with Dr. Vieri Ceriani, State Secretary to the Treasury, Italy - on 18.01.2013
Please watch the full video at:
http://www.wu.ac.at/taxlaw/institute/videos/taxpolicyfiresidechatsI've been present in Vienna at this issue of the Tax Policy Fire Side chats, and I had the pleasure to speak a few words to Vieri, and I was amazed not only by his competence and wide range knowledge but also by his charming personality - especially given the bad weather conditions we had when he arrived. Vienna airport was totally closed down, due to the most heavy snowfalls we had had for decades, in combination with strong winds, an absolutely "killing combination" for any airport task force. Poor Vieri had to come by train which was a major task (trains also not going regularly in the snow - and it takes hours, he had to travel over night).
By the way.... if you want to know more about the WU Global Tax Policy Center and its aims please see
http://www.wu.ac.at/taxlaw/institute/videos/taxpolicyfiresidechats Cheers