'Interesting & noteworthy' (available at
www.PFMBoard.com/portal ) is a new feature of the
www.PFMBoard.com, which is helpful to navigate through the now over 1,500 posts made by the PFM practitioners members of the community. On a monthly basis it provides the reader with a summary of the most recent posts on the Board, digs into the archives to point the reader towards 'power posts' made in the past and it includes some statistics on how the Board is evolving... and, I almost forgot about it, it sports a 'video of the month' on PFM issues.
'Interesting and noteworthy' is in response to a need for guidance and summary on accessing the
www.PFMBoard.com, which featured prominently in our members's survey we run in the first half of 2012.
I hope you enjoy it.
Mauro Napodano,
PFM Board Founding Partner