Author Topic: Public Investment Management: Linking Global Trends to National Experiences  (Read 5867 times)


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I am proud to inform you that the new book 'Public Investment Management: Linking Global Trends to National Experiences' is now published.

'This book focuses on the need to "put the management in charge" of the implementation of public investment and public policies, in order to render as flexible as possible the project response to the unforeseen changes in the environment, in a world where uncertainty and irreversibility dominate. In particular, the book reviews the attempts from several countries to:

(i)   Empower managers to move away from ex-ante controls, while increasing accountability through continuous monitoring and evaluation of performance;
(ii)  Make project design more flexible through modularity and sequencing;
(iii) Assess projects not as a product but as a process of value creation, and as a part of an overall national policy strategy;
(iv) Introduce a medium term expenditure framework to lengthen the public financial commitments and ensure financial predictability in the budget process.'

The authors, Professor Scandizzo and I, stand ready to discuss findings and recommendations on PFM for transition and developing countries and support Governments in these countries to strenghten their PFM process.

Attached there are two PP presentations summarising some of the analysis contained in the book.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2011, 16:24:25 GMT by Napodano »


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