The Performance Dimensions in Budget > What makes a budget credible?

Stable, Sustainable and Time


Perusing Leinert and Fainbiom's Technical Note/Manual on Reforming Budget System Laws as I do (what else are July evenings for?) and I came across these words "aims of a well-functioning public financial management (PFM) system: (i) attaining short-term macro fiscal stability and medium-term fiscal sustainability" and I thought in the context of recent stuff about fiscal turmoil that it might be better as  "medium-term fiscal stability and long-term fiscal sustainability and do-whatever-seems-best in the short term.  I guess it also depends on what one means by the various 'terms': short term - one year; medium term up - to three years and long term - three plus years?

"do whatever seems best in the short term".... mmm.  Eva Joly might have a view on that..


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